33. Unloud

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

misha………………….who will be the witness?
masha…………………”come up here”………this is what was said
sasha…………………. listen……I will try
zhenya…………………be careful

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

masha...........since it often happens
misha...........active and passive
masha...........to visit oneself
misha...........to constitute oneself as visiting
masha...........to show oneself as visiting
misha...........to constitute or show oneself as visited
masha...........get himself done
misha...........incessant self loss
misha...........it is not identical to itself
masha...........it is not itself
misha...........it has no self
masha...........everything and nothing
misha...........It has no character

Monday, March 06, 2006

What don’t say that ever again….ever

………………………there are places that don’t exist anymore, places that I could swim in…..swimming laughing……………………….in your pink….changing there.

…………………………………….listen my hands can make you warm again.

What can?

You and me

Don’t say those things

What’s the matter?

With those birds?



what you need is a happy arm, without those ghosts.

A happy arm?

to swing around

Oh shut up………..

That could be close

there you let it

there when you fear it

I was there when you met it

How I know it

stop it

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8……9 10 n’11, 12…………..13

……………..you used to be one…….taken the rubbish, talking rubbish……….now your make ups gone

shut up

well if you lay down

below, near the river?


I’m looking

don’t think of it

you heard voices

deep below

c’om on

under the white snow


C’om on

any way

where is it?


C’om on

drinking love spare


time to……its time


drank love out

listen teeth chatter

takes some hands to get used to it

all those people

I know

you know it’s time

I like it on my own

you go outside

I told you

This is how the window and wind blows

I want it

…………………….it confuses, me all night

I wait up all night

You want to race?


its done

now………………look its paved with fear




from the summer?

its done

I hate the summer

ha…he ha…………………..songs for flowers

time……..to get by….time to cry

I wonder…..why?

work it out

fish frying?

your truly….a letter

you up to no good

like people in the painting

don’t get mad

words they sting

looking through the forest…..yes

warm…… warm…yes so

you can feel

feel warmth?



…………..get up please……get up…..get up now


chattering teeth




to get dry…………..

and get warm and just cry

I wonder………………………why?

I wander…………………….. why?

yours truly.

the next thing you wait for……..

looking through the woods

I dug out to look

I doubt

I don’t wish I was dead

So I DUG OUT…………………In the snow…….dig

to find your feet


around me silly warm hands

Somebody saw a sweet warm pool…I could swim in

have mercy…………..please have mercy

sweet warm

changing again

my hands could make you warm again

but you and me on our wooden bed head


What is the matter with those birds?

there you go changing again

there we go

what you need is a happy ghost…..for your happy heart

I want a happy arm


warm inside

yes remember





The snow buried us.

out in the night

looking for light

and snow

what is the plan

dream……..no you say fairy tale

something wrong?






you travel through snow and trees

this has nothing to do with me

REMEMBER everything……….the fog, the air, the diesel, ice….mountains

freedom from self-sounds

6 o’clock get up, calls

no more

aim at the moon, this week


I digest

fully digest


who I?..........I c a p i t a i n

look in through the window?

even my boots are bored

spiritual…how does this mean?.....not French or German….here….how does it be?

You are blind and no they don’t dream

the wood is evil………………it tells me

I have two eyes………the best-est…did you ever see…………….

my stomach it itches

Get down, no mercy…………no! get down……no mercy

Please have mercy

No mercy….now get down…..down…….woman and man

But I saw it…………and I can hear you holding me so tight………….I saw it….a man with no legs and arms….he had 2 eyes and the woman was blind…………she drank……till too little

do you?

please have mercy

Get fucked……no mercy……………… I said……………….get down….now….get down woman and man

but I can hear the trees talk……

your crying.

I’m crying and hearing them talk…………..its an electrical…..energetic……sound…….my senses form……

Put your head on the snow………..listen…….

I hear the ice talk, the crystals grow

get a hold of yourself

can you imagine it…he was called…..he was called….. its called.

do you want me to hold you?...do you want what you have?…..not have got….hold tight

your so thin

give it to me

there are so many of us

I see you holding my hand



………….no wait

………………………………..wait please………wait

your so thin


your eyes


your arms


your legs


your fingers


those scars


those touches


those eyes


rubber heart

no wait……………………please……… man……….. have mercy…………….have mercy my man….mercy…no………….not her………me………me not her……not for her…..me…………..please look after them for me…please……no….me…………..but my hands could touch you again……..no………don’t do that.

It was on your nails, eyes lids, clothes, light blues and yellow

laughing….laughing down

here we go

go again

please hold me tight

we need…..I’m bitten all over…………my eyes sting

Your eyes are red…..no…….please…….no

I told you so….you make it

a’ woooo….a’ woooo…..a’ woowa

a wish

wish it

its easy

a’ woooow

it sounds

a’ woooo

an offer

a’ woooowa

the wind

a’ woooo

an offer

a’ wooooowa

the ice trees

a’ wooooooo

ice water

a’ woooooo

the ice air

a’ woooooo

the crystal leaves

a’ woooooo

the crystals

a’ woooooo

the glittering light

a’ wooooooo

the snow

a’ woooooowa

foolish heart……its almost crying now….I think its crystal…almost time

a wooow

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13….how many steps?


all hell

Get down my man and woman….now

swimming in blue……truly….truly yours

its nothing I know now…sleeping in my head


a little bit funny……a little sting………smile……I dug out the snow to try and find a place to swim….look my feet are swimming

I can’t stop

I can’t feel the same

a’ wooo

a’ woooo

a’ woooooow

a’ woooowa

lay down it’s not cold

look away


turn away………..no mystery my senses are crystal now

hammer me

woow me


who is burning un-born children?

skin on my eyes


there is soil under the snow

not the children…..no no no no no

I liked you for that

forgive me…no……listen

if I could

you change…climb out the door

there is no-one


sleeping now



never names


change all this light-white ice

13 colours….my mind



wow……………wooo that noise

snow white


Misha…………………………..the cat


The cats gone.

Didn’t you see it…………….