33. Unloud

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Spooky the way some people live.

I……….yes……….I mean, no. No I don’t understand! I don’t.


Forest, open paths and small clearings near a pond-bog-small lake. Several houses, doorways, corridors, rooms and windows. Always wooden or concrete buildings. The colour brown is important, sky blue or ultramarine, white, black, orange/red and strong yellows.

20* NNW

The year;

Early 20th century or perhaps early 21st century

We hear dogs barking somewhere, the smell of cigarettes and the sound of feet on stairs.

Voices growing louder, a sort of flashlight, static buzzing sounds, then feet stamping. Its’ snowing outside.

……………..oh yes…………sorry…………..there you are.

They enter the room.

Can I keep this?


Look out the window, listen, everything is so dark

>Look at those lights over there,…………………and there. It makes you feel like we are sat inside a Christmas tree and that if you look up glitter is falling from the sky.

I can’t understand that……look at this……..the whole place is lit up………………………..